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I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The church I am a part of believes and is based upon Jesus Christ. He is the head of His true church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and guides it through modern day prophets today. These prophets receive revelation to help us. In the July issue of the Ensign, a publication from our church, one of these prophets named Elder Ballard gave us the following suggestion:

"May I ask you that you join the conversation by participating on the Internet to share the gospel and to explain in simple and clear terms the message of the Restoration."

This article has changed my perspective of blogging. I look forward to sharing more of what I know about the Church, and my simple testimony. There is a link for a website I encourage you to look at www.youtube.com/LDSPublicAffairs with more information through videos on this subject that comes directly from our church. A few others sites include http://www.lds.org/ and http://www.mormon.org/ Here is the a short clip to this talk by Elder Ballard


Mark, Eko and Leoniss Burroughs said...

thats cool marelee, good job. i need to be better at sharing the gospel. i'm so bad at times.

Jen and Lance said...

We really do have so many other ways to share the gospel these days. Guess I better step up to the challenge! Thank you Mare for the reminder!

Taste & Tell said...

thats a really neat insight on blogging -- thanks for waking me up haha! thanks for the blog comments :)

Taste & Tell said...

taste & tell is rebecca lowe hahaha

Anonymous said...

Marilee, you just keep getting more amazing. We really do need to take every chance we get to share the "good news".

Chelsea Michelle said...

That is a really great idea! And might I add that I REALLY like your blog. I always read it...does that make me like a blog stalker? Hahah I duno. Hope everything is great, cuz I think your great!

CharLee Carn said...

You are so amazing and so thoughtful...seriously!Thanks for your spiritual thought it makes you realize how amazing our religion is by wanting to share it to the world! Thanks for being the example!!

P.S. I love ya to death, I'm so glad to have you out here so we can get to know each other!