
Day 56

this evening was exquisite and it called for celebrating. Cope is 56 days old today. sounds like a good enough reason to me. 
one thing i love about where we live is our proximity to downtown. especially guru's. we strolled there tonight. ate good grub. and threw down a blanket for lounging. everyday in this family is great.



i don't have anything neat to say, so i am just putting up pictures


blessing day came and went. it was a real grown up moment for me. that was MY baby being blessed. oh unbelievable. oh how time flies. 
copeland was an angel during the blessing: arms drooping down, body hanging limp, so relaxed he almost nodded into dreamland.  one of the sweetest moments of the day was having all our loved ones around us. i felt like copeland must've in the circle: so supported by everyone that i was sure life was going to be okay. it's hard to believe they were all there to show love for our growing family. my brother even wore my dad's tie so he could be in the circle vicariously:) thank heavens for family.



sometimes i have hope he could be blonde:)


a few weeks ago President Eyring visited San Salvador to dedicate the brilliant El Salvador Temple.  he was able to speak to the missionaries of that country and my parents shared some of what he said. i will never forget the words he said about smiles: 
"He has great things for you if you will work hard and SMILE! The smiling tells Him you will believe, that you have faith things will work out."

as my own little future missionary started smiling recently, not only is my heart one million times happier with each smile, but in the back of my mind i can't help but hear president Eyring say, "the smilling tells him you will believe, that you have faith things will work out." 

it's what you wear from ear to ear, and not from head to toe, that matters