...we(beglians) can always pick out you(americans) out from a mile away by your trainers. you always wear trainers. we only wear those excercising, not around the streets.
(i was clueless by what she meant by trainers. i assume tennis shoes. haha)
... dont wear those saggy bum jeans. those will make you stand out. our jeans always fit much better in belgium.
(i was self-consciously checkin my jeans. are they saggy?)
... put on make-up. my mom wears make-up when she goes to get bread in the morning.
(gotta look nice. and how picturesque-get bread every morning!)
we finish our very helpful conversation and she calls me back and leaves a voice mail with the last few pointers she forgot:
...everything closes earlier there so you have to be organized. you can't run to walmart at midnight.
(dang. everything really does close at 8 pm, and they won't let you in the door at 7:30 cause they want everyone gone by 8. and you can guess when we leave the grocery store everytime? yup right at close)
...dont look around while walking in belgium; the streets are dirty and if you are not watching where you step you will step in dog poop. if you need to be on your phone or something stop walking.
(i probably will not be able to follow this tip. hopefully my shoes stay clean)