
kiss for mama

cope has always had a thing for his daddy. after two weeks away, the day devin came home from china cope smiled for the first time. for a little while after, he would only smile when dev did this specific silly gesture and sound, no matter how ridiculously often i tried mimicking the goofy sound. devin gives cope a bath more frequently than i do, and gets smiles endlessly. not the case with my baths.
i'm excited to see their father son bond really bloom.

in the first few months i was sure cope was gonna be a daddy's boy. he probably really is, but the other day he giggled for me and still does giggle for me. thank you son for letting mama know you love her too.
i guess i'm just interpreting something small like a first giggle, as that special mama's boy connection i so hope for. one thing is for sure, i'm glad to have another little protector around, another someone who will treat me royally like his daddy does. i can't wait to do things like scout banquets, throwing baseballs in the backyard, and shopping for mission suits (i don't like thinking about those long 2 years yet just the suit shopping). i have zero experience with merit badges, sports rules, or serving a mission-but i want to become well versed in whatever it takes to raise a righteous son.


made out like a bandit

in honor of our belgian love, we went french last night. 
French Bandits.
mostly, i wanted this costume because i think any infant costume is one million times better if it has something to go over their eyes. so cute.

we forgot his money bag below

those pictures were a rarity. most of the time cope had his mask on he looked more like this. too bad i thought it was so adorable.

we had a great party at the glaziers.

we made chocolate bowls and orange dream machine ice cream for dessert.

we were able to skype with mommer and papa. 

we always let the kids trick or treat the different rooms in the house. 

mommer and papa did long distance trick or treating via the computer:)

cope posed in his first cousin couch picture.

 holidays are so much better with kiddos.


catch up

one week in one post:
cope's first visit to temple square. the happiness of that place rubbed off on him.

 sittin up for the first time alone in the bumbo. no big deal mom.


tangled up asleep. 

 and lastly, a halloween preview.

we missed this holiday last year. but we sure have made up for it this year. i like halloween.
 hope yours is spooky.