

"A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie." 
-Tenneva Jordan

today i caught myself thinking over and over, "I am having a baby. I am going to be a mother." as we registered for baby things i would think, "i don't know anything about binkis. i can't even spell the silly word. i should call someone who is a mother or knows what to get." hopefully motherly instinct will kick in at some point.

it's hard to believe that something i've only imagined is happening. in a way that i can't easily explain, it makes me really eager and really bewildered all at once. 77 days to go till i announce i never did care for pie.


Anonymous said...

I love that quote. I am for some reason extremely emotional lately, there for, that silly quote brought a tear to my eye. We as mothers are more then happy to "not like pie" :) I am so grateful to be a mother and so grateful for my mother! You are going to be such an amazing little mommy. Good luck Mare. I hope the rest of your pregnancy is a smooth ride :)

P.s. I just might have to steal that quote for my moms mothers day card.

Hilary F. said...

Thanks for coming to visit! You are going to be a wonderful mother - you'll be surprised how much of it comes naturally. I can't wait to see your little guy!

hailey said...

That quote makes me cry. That describes my mom perfectly. I don't know if I'm there yet... I'll still eat most of Jakes fruit snacks when I open a pack for him.:) But in all seriousness you will make the most amazing mother. I can't wait to see you with that little babe in your arms!!

The Photo Pharm said...

You are a perfect soul and I love you.

Please don't forget about me over here in the south.

Emily said...

Hi - you have no idea who I am, nor I you... I was just looking for a quote by Pat Holland, and you'd posted it in 09, so thanks! Congrats on the pregnancy! You'll be fine. The motherly instincts will kick in, but try to find some awesome mom's to show you the ropes! Looks like you've got a great fam already!