

i've been hearing lately lots of people who are fascinated and infatuated with fall. i must say i've never had a favorite season but i feel like a new person lately around campus at byu. it is an inspiring sight even if you dont have a favorite season. in such a new way this semester and starting back this summer-i've FALLin (pardon the pun) for studying. my angel mother has had this quote hanging in her bathroom and as my life has taken interesting turns i've felt this quote direct me more than ever, 
"Your life was carefully watched over, as was mine. The Lord knows both what He will need you to do and what you will need to know. He is kind and He is all knowing. So, you can with confidence expect that He has prepared opportunities for you to learn in preparation for the service you will give. You will not recognize those opportunities perfectly, as i did not. But when you put the spiritual things first in your life, you will be blessed to feel directed toward certain learning and you will be motivated to work harder. You will recognize later that your power to serve was increased, and you will be grateful." Elder Henry B. Eyring

I feel so blessed to feel directed toward certain learning and hope that i'll be grateful looking back that my power to serve will increase. thanks


Anonymous said...

I love this quote. Seriously it fit with my day today. Thank you for posting it.

Unknown said...

you continue to inspire me. that is a very good quote. hope school is going well. let me know when you're up for a play date! or a temple trip, or anything :) love ya!

melissa marie said...

I am sooooo loving BYU campus right now. I walk past the duck pond every single day and it always makes me smile, those crazy ducks. Lets meet soon! Love you.

Allie said...

I'm so glad to have found your lovely blog! You are one of the most inspirational and kind people I know.

Mrs. Hornberger said...

i found your blog!