
exiting survival mode

devin went to china for two weeks for work. we booked his tickets two days before he left. cope was three weeks old. i shut down and did the bare minimum to survive. luckily taking pictures can still be done while in survival mode since i uploaded 432 this morning. i spent a lot of time with family, feeling ever so grateful to have such a good one. i'm positive i would've keeled over dead without them. here is what my two week hibernation looked like.

hopefully, this mama bear will get back to living life fully again soon.


Misty said...

Way to go Marilee! Solo-mommying is no walk in the park, but you did it!

Anonymous said...

It looks to me like you're doing great!! You're such a beautiful mother, in so many ways.

Ellery Pugmire said...

you made it! I am so happy he is back! i can't imagine how hard that must've been. cope looks darling. i hope you're doing well. i recognize that medela bottle. i love my medela pump and bottles! xoxo- elle

Rachel Judd Cowley said...

Oh our nephews and April are so cute! AS IS Coper :) Love him.