

Being a parent opens your eyes in so many ways. Not only are my eyes open more times in the middle of the night than ever before:) but I better see all the things my own parents have done for me.

I had one such connection today. My mother sent me a short email, you could almost could call it a memo. It was to the point, brief, all business. She is incredibly busy and was addressing a short question I had, which I considered very thoughtful since I have one zillion questions and don't expect to hear back from her for days. She concluded this little memo with the phrase,"I love you forever." Obviously a familiar phrase but this time those words choked my heart. Maybe it was the contrast of the business-like memo with her unashamed declaration of love that caught me off guard. My thoughts turned to Cope. How could my love for him stay stagnant? It doesn't. My love for him keep grows every day. Maybe this increase of love is what my mom meant by forever. But I also thought forever means not only how much I love him but how long. How could I just one day stop loving him? I can't and won't. Like my own mother, I love him forever.


Ellery Pugmire said...

gorgeous, gorgeous picture. and words. i love you... forever.

Unknown said...

Every time I pull up your blog I am inspired, smiling, crying and my love for YOU grows and grows. forever. Thank you for letting me be in your life. You are an adorable mother.

sherryandbryon said...

Wow... this picture is the sweetest thing ever. Really. I love it. He is just so perfect... and so are you! :) love you guys.