
line upon line

i'm discovering that blogging, like brushing your teeth,

cleaning your house,

and writing in a journal,

(journals recycled from trader joe's paper found here)
and perhaps all of life, is so more enjoyable and effective if done consistently in small amounts so it wont overwhelm you.

stay tuned for kayaking the charles river


CharLee Carn said...

I completely agree with you! Blogging is like brushing your teeth ha ha I'm on it at the beginning of my day and the end ha ha! But it really is like a journal..you know you can make it as a book?? I just might have to if i keep on doing it...which most likely I will! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your nice comment on my memory post. We swapped roles, I now am your admirer and wish I could dance like you. You are such a sweet spirit and a beautiful dancer. I miss watching you:)

melissa marie said...

Hey girl I'm taking Biology, Accounting, Teachings of the prophets, Intro to interiors. I think sewing is in the day and I have to take night classes. Have you taken Bio yet, I'm taking it MWF mornings. Love you.