
to quote a friend:

"Belgium is wet but nice, sorta like some kisses can be."

:) it has been in the fifties over here for the past week, and i think it has been in the nineties in utah. in order to abide more closely to this quote, i am going to accentuate the positive.

I am asking that we stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the SUNLIGHT. I am suggesting that as we go through life we “ACCENTUATE THE POSITIVE.” I am asking that we look a little DEEPER for the good, that we still voices of insult and sarcasm, that we more GENEROUSLY compliment virtue and effort. (Gordon B. Hinckley, “The Spirit of Optimism”)

the positive:
-when it is raining at night, i fall asleep quicker.
-seeing rare rays of sun poking through all the gloomy clouds actually puts a smile on your face.
-i'm not sweaty, i dont miss being sweaty.
-i really love stepping in puddles.
-all the greenery here just looks more green with rain.
-time for tomato soup, i love soup.
-cozying up close in bed is so essential and more genuine when it is cold rather than when it's hot.

while i'm not ready for it too feel less like summer, i am loving our overcast, wet belgian home.


Rachel Judd Cowley said...

You're a special gal, Mare. Thanks for being positive.

Rachel Judd Cowley said...

and I LOVE that the man on the side of the pic is carrying a bass. Sweet tunes.

CharLee Carn said...

You always have such a great attitude about EVERYTHING! You are amazing! I just love reading your blog! Its one of my favorites! So keep posting like you do! I hope you are loving it in Belgium! What an amazing adventure for you two! Keep in touch! Miss you! :)

Jen and Lance said...

Mare! (I feel like I start every comment I make to you with that, just excited to pretend talk to you through blog comments) First, the carpet of flowers is stunning. second, you almost made me cry talking about dance and the beetles, what a great combo those two. But just so you know, I envy you and the sacrifices you are making for your husband, the Lord, and whatever else there might be. What great strengthening experiences. And finally third, I love the quote and all the positive words. They made me happy. Your posts always do. Love you Mare!