
europe thus far: one month

before i forget all the changes (read-hopefully growth) that have happened i must write them down.

thus far in europe we still can't believe that we really live here, live.
thus far in europe we've gotten lost three times.
thus far in europe i've worn the same four pairs of shoes.
thus far in europe we haven't eaten fast food, and only eaten out on someone else's tab.
thus far in europe i have to listen to hymns or i am too anxious to sleep.
thus far in europe i really love the village feel, with big open spaces like this one

thus far in europe we line dry all our clothes, and hand wash all our dishes.
thus far in europe devin has converted to sparkling water. i'm still not sold.
thus far in europe i've half-way converted to dark chocolate, devin is still not sold.
thus far in europe i've only missed three days of talking to my mom.
thus far in europe we can't get christmas of our mind.
thus far in europe devin has done 100% of the driving and purchasing.
thus far in europe we've become better friends, written higher goals, and gone to bed too late.
thus far in europe i miss the mountains, and the temple.
thus far in europe we finally feel like we've found the budget system that works for us.
thus far in europe we haven't sent or received a single text message.
thus far in europe i have loved seeing devin work, and have enjoyed working.
thus far in europe we filled up our tank of gas once (it was a 94-dollar-ouch)
thus far in europe i have read more conference talks in concentration than ever before.
thus far in europe we've worked too much.
thus far in europe i've been too scared to speak french or go anywhere without devin.
thus far in europe we feel like this is the hardest thing we've ever done.
thus far in europe we've needed the Lord more than ever before.
thus far in europe we've never seen more blessings.

i'm bummed to be missing labor day weekend, particularly for the day off work, lucky! enjoy it for me. we're making a break for the southern border and are hitting up a flea market in france tomorrow with about two million other people. until monday...here's to a bon weekend.

1 comment:

sherryandbryon said...

sounds like you guys are doing great! :) love you both!