
before and after

devin cut my hair. i mentioned having him cut it because i didn't want to pay a hairstylist with whom i couldn't communicate. he didn't put up a fight and agreed suprisingly fast, although i shouldn't have been surprised because he loves a new challenge. it took only about ten minutes. we were crackin up the whole time because we had no idea what we were doing and didn't really care. it's long hair. it'll grow. we're in europe, when are will be the next time we have where we don't see anyone we know so you can actually try this? now or never.

can't tell the difference? yeah i can't really either.


hailey said...

Way to go Devin! He did a great job but even if he didn't it would be impossible for you to not look beautiful!

sherryandbryon said...

wow! you are pretty brave! but I think dev did a great job! it looks nice. way to go! :)

Rachel Judd Cowley said...

I cut my own hair once. You're right... it's long, no one else can tell, why not?!